Friday, August 30, 2013

Enanitos cultura

El enanitos haber hastar unico de el hispanica cultura desde el principio. Yo apostar tu nunca ver el enanitos como esto. Enanito Lucha Libres si enanito Lucha Libres ellos  pero muy agresivo. Tu preferir no a pisar a el ring con los. Ellos llevarse su empleo muy serio por que ello no darse el lujo a.


Friday, August 23, 2013

Enanitos Toreros

El enanitos toreros tiene estado un parte de Hispano cultura. El enanitos toreros estaban no capaz a haber regular vida estilo deberse a los ser verticalmente reto. la mayoría de el enanitos toreros pero ridiculizar porque los pero pequeño. A diferencia de regular corrida detoros  el toros pero no tortura antes los entrar en el estadio.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Novice Low


I can...

...understand some commonly used words and expressions, such as please and thank you. 


I will...

...understand basic information, such as days of the week, months of the year, numbers, times, and dates.

...understand names of objects in my immediate environment, such as words for familiar objects found in classrooms, offices, or homes.

...understand the difference between a question and a statement. I can follow a one-step instruction, especially when people use gestures.


I can...

...connect some characters or letters to their sounds. 


I will...

...connect some words, phrases, or characters to their meanings.

...recognize words, phrases, and characters with help from visuals. I can follow along on the page when something familiar is read out loud.


I can...

...greet people in a polite way using single words and memorized phrases. 


I will...

...introduce myself to someone.

...answer simple questions using one or more words.

...answer questions about my preferences using one or more words or memorized phrases. 
...react to a statement using one or more words or memorized phrases.


I can...

...imitate the sounds and words that I hear. 


I will...

...say the names of familiar people, places, and objects in pictures and posters using single words or memorized phrases.

...introduce myself.

...say short memorized phrases, parts of poems, and rhymes. ...use an appropriate introduction to begin a presentation.


I can...

...write my name. 


I will...

...label some familiar things. ...copy some characters and words that I see on the wall, in a book, on the board, or on the computer.

Novice Mid


I can...


I will...

...understand simple words and phrases about daily activities.

...understand some words and phrases in simple messages and announcements in a familiar setting.

...understand some simple questions on familiar topics.

...follow some multi-step directions or instructions, especially when people use gestures or there is repetition. 
...understand some of what people say in a conversation when they are talking about familiar things.


I can...


I will... simple information on familiar topics.

...understand short, simple descriptions, especially if there are pictures or graphs.

...recognize words on a list on familiar topics. 
...recognize familiar names, words, characters, and some phrases in everyday situations.


I can...


I will...

...introduce myself and others using basic, culturally appropriate greetings.

...ask simple questions and give simple responses on familiar topics using words, phrases, and memorized expressions. information about myself, my family, and familiar things using words, phrases, and memorized expressions.

...understand and say numbers in simple situations. information about something I have learned using memorized words and phrases.


I can...


I will...

...present personal information about myself and others using words and phrases. my likes and dislikes using words, phrases, and memorized expressions.

...list my daily activities using words, phrases, and memorized expressions.

...present simple information about something I learned using words, phrases, and memorized expressions. 
...present personal information about myself and others using words and phrases.


I can...


I will...

...fill out a simple form with some basic personal information.

...write about myself using learned phrases and memorized expressions. 
...write lists that help me in my day-to-day life.

Novice High


I can...


I will...

...understand some short conversations or descriptions.

...understand some short, simple messages and announcements on familiar topics.

...understand most directions or instructions in a familiar setting when expressed in short conversations. 

...understand simple stories.


I can...


I will...

...understand information I need on familiar topics.

...understand everyday notices in public places.

...identify some detailed information needed on forms.

...follow short, written instructions and directions supported by visuals. 

...understand some ideas on familiar topics in texts that I have read, especially when supported by visuals.


I can...


I will... personal information using phrases and simple sentences. information about what I have learned using texts, graphs, or pictures.

...ask for and give simple directions to go somewhere or do something. information with other people about what to do, where to go, and when to meet. 

...interact with others using simple language in everyday situations.


I can...


I will...

...describe aspects of my daily life using phrases and simple sentences.

...describe a familiar experience or event in simple terms using phrases and simple sentences.

...present information about others using phrases and simple sentences.

...give basic instructions on how to make or do something using phrases and simple sentences. 

...present basic information about things I have learned using phrases and simple sentences.


I can...


I will...

...describe aspects of my daily life using phrases and simple sentences.

...write a description of a familiar experience or event using phrases and simple sentences.

...write short notes using phrases and simple sentences.

...request information to obtain things I need or want using phrases and simple sentences. ...write about something I have learned using phrases and simple sentences.